高 宁 ❤️

About Me

I am currently an undergraduate student at Xi’an Jiaotong University, majoring in Artificial Intelligence. I am now diving into Computer Vision, Few Shot Learning and Medical Image Processing, and with the interest in Multi-modalities and VLM. Feel free to contact me through email, Wechat(Axi404_) or QQ(3406402603@qq.com) if there is anything that you want to discuss :)

Download Résumé(English version)


  1. Research Internship

    Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, XJTU
    Conducted a research internship in Associate Professor Sanping Zhou’s lab, independently leading a project on Few Shot Learning. Engaged in academic discussions and produced significant research contributions.


  1. Bachelor's in Artificial Intelligence

    College of Artificial Intelligence, Xi'an Jiaotong University

    GPA: 3.94/4.3 (up to the first 3 semesters)

    Outstanding Major Courses:

    Freshman Year:

    • Linear Algebra and Geometry: A+
    • Computer Programming: A+
    • Mathematical Analysis for Engineering-1: A+
    • Robot Creative Design and Practice: A+
    • Math Foundation of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence I: A
    • Mathematical Analysis for Engineering-2: A-

    Sophomore Year:

    • Math Foundation of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence II: A
    • Electron Technology and System: A
    • Philosophical Foundation and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: A
    • Modern Approaches of Artificial Intelligence I - Problem Representation and Solving: A-
    • Probability Theory and System: A-
Skills & Hobbies
Technical Skills

Proficient in Python’s basic syntax, capable of using Numpy, Pandas, and SciPy for data processing. Skilled in utilizing PyTorch with extensive experience in code implementation.


Proficient in C++ basic syntax, capable of using OpenCV and ROS for computer vision and robotics programming, and familiar with using data processing libraries such as Eigen. Experienced in complex projects (e.g., RoboMaster vision group framework and algorithm details).


Proficient in using Linux systems (e.g., ArchLinux/Ubuntu), well-versed in common commands and SSH operations, with experience in using Linux-based servers for research project environment configuration, programming, and execution, as well as application development.


Extensively read cutting-edge papers in the field of artificial intelligence, possessing insights into advanced research in computer vision, and have explored key papers in major areas.


For readme and blog writing.

PMT: Progressive Mean Teacher via Exploring Temporal Consistency for Semi-Supervised
ECCV2024 Accept List, First Author ∙ July 2024

This project presents a simple yet effective semi-supervised learning framework for medical image segmentation. It constructs two sets of Mean Teacher models to form a co-training framework and leverages the diversity between the representational capabilities of different networks at different iterations to build stable diversity among models. Subsequently, it utilizes pseudo-label filtering and difference-driven alignment to introduce robust regularization constraints for training. The paper achieves state-of-the-art performance in the field and validates the method’s generalization ability across various datasets.

During the project, my responsibilities included:

  • Independently proposing research ideas and conceptualizing model implementation.
  • Independently completing experimental work for the paper (including comparative experiments and ablation studies)
  • Worked closely with the supervisor to ensure the quality of paper writing, figure drawing and addressing rebuttals.
The RoboMaster University Championship
First Prize at National Level ∙ August 2023

As the leader of the vision team, I organized and led the team to build the visual framework, implement algorithms, deploy, and maintain them. I undertook the main responsibilities in the project. I collaborated with the mechanical and electrical control teams and led the team to win the first prize nationwide for building a robot from scratch.

During the project, my responsibilities included:

  • Detecting targets using both traditional vision methods and deep learning.
  • Implementing target tracking using filtering algorithms(e.g., EKF).
  • Debugging and developing SLAM programs based on ROS for autonomous navigation and obstacle avoidance.
  • Development using Linux systems.